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After a miserable rainy Saturday, the first summit series points race of the year was postponed until Sunday. Sunday brought in beautiful weather and great racing.
The quarter finals of Super Pro saw a mix of 3 fast dragsters and a pair of 8 second door cars. Jon-Jon Ciccarone earned the bye into the semi final round with his .002 reaction time the previous round. Jeff Krushinskie, driving Jimmy Zimmerman’s Camaro, faced off with Matt Reklaitis in his American dragster. Jeff got the win by virtue of his .019 reaction and 8.989 on 8.98 dial. His .028 package was better than Matts reaction time forcing him to breakout. The final pair of the round was Brock Moshier in his Vega wagon taking on Kyle Bigley in his Undercover dragster. Brock used a .000 reaction time .005 package to take out Bigley. Kyle was .011 on the tree and dropped to .02 above, knowing his only chance was getting behind and hoping for Brock to run under his dial. Brocks .000 reaction earned him the bye run in the semis and left Jeff paired up with Jon-Jon. Jeff laid down another .029 package giving him the win as Jon-Jon missed the tree and broke-out. In an all door car super pro final, Krushinskie took the win by .001 over Moshier in a double breakout.
With 7 cars left in Pro Walter Morgan earned the bye with his .012 light the previous round. The first pair of the quarters saw a match-up of Scott Tupper in his Camaro taking on Ray Thurston IV in his ’66 Plymouth. Tupper used a .007 light and a .012 package to take out Thurston. The next pair saw John Binkle in his 8 second roadster taking on Brad Northrop in his 9 second Camaro. Binkle used his .010 reaction to move into the semi finals. The final pair of the round was Brock Moshier and Mark Dennebaum in his 63 Corvette. Both Moshier and Dennebaum were going rounds in both Super Pro and Pro. Dennebaum went .012 red sending Moshier to the semis. In the semis, Moshier faced off with Tupper. Moshier got the advantage off the line .028 to .042 and ran dead on his dial with a 1 for a .029 package. Tupper also ran dead on with a 1. In the other semi final matchup John Binkle took on Walter Morgan. Morgan had the starting line advantage .018 to .020, but Binkle got the W running 8.668 on his 8.66 dial taking .007 finish line. Morgan ran 10.047 on his 10.03 dial giving him a .035 package to Binkle’s .028. In the Final Moshier got the starting line advantage and the win. This was not the first time Brock has been in both the S/pro final and Pro final at Numidia, he picked up the win in both classes a couple years ago.
The semis of Street saw a couple of Jr. Dragster racers and 1 old guy. Bryce Vollman earned the bye run to the final in his first race in the street class. Rick Hafer in his Buick faced off with Mark Price Jr in his 68 Mustang. Hafer used his .008 advantage at the tree to take the win. In the Final, Vollman used his .020 reaction advantage to turn on the win light in his race.
In the Jr. Dragster Semis Mark Price Jr. earned the bye run to the final, as Melissa Wilson and Jonathan Northrup paired up. Both Wilson and Northrop were hitting the tree great all day. In this round Northrop had the advantage off the start .037 to .048, but broke out by .001 handing the win to Wilson running 7.970 on her 7.96 dial. In the final Wilson got the double breakout win over Price running 7.953 on her 7.96 dial.
In a huge field of Motorcycles William Danley picked up the win. There was literally 1 motorcycle in the class today. He paid $35 at the gate. He made a few passes and we paid him $125. Please lets get some motorcycle racers to show up for a points race.
Next weekend we do it all again. April 28-30th, Friday night street racing. Summit Series points on Saturday and Sunday.