Mudbog Results

Numidia Mud Bog results Sept 7 2014 Class 1 Up to 33″ tires 1. Tom Martino- Stillwater NJ 98 Jeep XJ Time- 36.42 2. Jackie Mowbray- Stillwater NJ- 96 Jeep XJ  Time- 42.10 3. Pauly D- Broadway NJ- 88  Jeep …

Mudbog Results

Mudbog Results

OK4WD- Numidia Dragway Mud Bog Results: 5/4/14   CLASS 1- 1ST– JEFF INDYK – HAMONY  NJ  –  31.57 2ND– PAUL DUDAN – BROADWAY NJ- 35.88 3RD– JIM SYERS- KITNERSVILLE PA- 40.08   CLASS 2- 1ST – JOE KERKES – PHILLIPSBURG NJ …

Mudbog Results

Updates for Points Program

Super Pro- Door cars separate from dragsters to the ladder round.  1 bye run per round (in the case of an uneven amount of door cars last door car runs first dragster).  Door cars and dragsters separate in buybacks, winning door …

Updates for Points Program

Dave Hock Update

The night after Dave Hock’s first grandchild was born he had a massive heart attack. During the heart attack a lack of oxygen lead to a stroke in two areas of his brain. He was hospitalized for 1 month and …

Dave Hock Update

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